A – D I F F E R E N T – A P P R O A C H
I want you to remember how it felt. aim to create photographs that surprise and evoke memories of how you truly felt in those moments. My approach is quiet yet comfortable, focusing on crafting meaningful images through a mix of intimate, quiet, and experimental moments. Think of me as the observer, the silent art director capturing your essence. Think of me as the observer.
I understand if you’ve never been photographed before and feel awkward in front of the camera. I promise I’ve encountered it all and work diligently to create a comfortable environment through conversation, lighting, and guidance to help you relax and be yourselves. It’s all about – making you feel comfortable.

“Alex is like having one of your best friends shoot for your wedding!
Picking a photographer for our wedding was the easiest part.. I saw her work and I knew that she’s the one. We spoke just to know each other, and I remember the only think that I told her was that I wanted natural photos. You know when you want something but you’re not really able to explain it? Well she did.. She truly disappears into the crowd in that day and just,captures magic and all the emotions.
Every time I view the pictures, I feel like I’m reliving it all again, exactly how it was…the best day of our life.
Thank you so much Alex!! You really exceeded our expectation!” – R & A
If you’re looking for a photographer to take typical, staged, and posed photos, I might not be the right fit for you. Similarly, if you’re shopping for the best deals, I’m not the one.
But if you like a true representation of yourselves, if you like unfussy, candid, no perfection from your photos, then I’m the girl for you!
If you’re crazy in love with the person you’re marrying and want some one to capture that feeling, then I’m the girl for you!
If you’re planning a wedding with intention, where aesthetics are just as important as how you will feel on that day, then I’m the girl for you!
If you want film photos of your wedding, then I’m the girl for you!
“Vai de capu meu Alex ❤️❤️❤️ Am ramas cu gura cascata pana la urechi muult timp dupa ce am deschis pozele, sunt asaa superbe ❤️ Ador culorile si lumina si cum ne-ai prins pe noi in toate momentele, si detalii pe care altfel poate am ajunge sa le uitam… E pur si simplu perfect, multumiiim din suflet❤️ Esti fantastica la ceea ce faci, nu imi vine sa cred ca ne-ai surprins toate momentele dragi noua asa frumos, si in acelasi timp nu imi vine sa cred ca suntem actually noi in asa poze, la care altfel m-as uita pe profilul cuiva si m-as gandi ca “damn, must be nice sa ai asa poze cu tine si sotul tau” – M& H

*If you arrived here, it means you’re aiming for the best! *
Ready for this TED Talk?!
Well, to sum it all up, noi am crezut pur și simplu ca nu o sa găsim pe cineva cu care sa match-uim atât de tare la acest capitol, until we found Alex! 🙂 From there it’s all history, we fell in love with her art!
Dacă ești măcar 1/3 din cât de goofballs suntem noi și crezi ca nu ai cum sa găsești pe cineva care sa surprindă evenimentul tău, așa cum ai visat, ei well, guess what, v-ați găsit “Nașa”!
You wonder maybe what you’ll get?
- The most super duper profi artist
- O oferta, to rule them all (este practic imposibil sa nu gasesti un pachet în oferta lui Alex care sa cuprindă și sa raspunda nevoilor tale);
- Guidance throughout the process;
- Amintiri cu un personal touch de care nu credeai ca ai nevoie în viața ta! – A & A